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【FETs in Miaoli County go above and beyond! 卓越的苗栗縣外籍英語教師!】by Alvin Nicasio
【FETs in Miaoli County go above and beyond! 卓越的苗栗縣外籍英語教師!】by Teacher Alvin Nicasio
Many FETs in Miaoli County are not only using their wide range of skills to prepare and teach great English lessons, but they are also putting their skills to work to support the English communication efforts of their host schools. Thank you to FET Alvin Nicasio for making this lovely video to celebrate the 62nd birthday of Chiao Yu Elementary School.
苗栗縣的許多外籍英語教師不僅運用他們豐富的技能來準備和教授出色的英語課程,也積極的協助學校在英語溝通能力的提升。感謝外籍英語教師Alvin Nicasio製作這麼棒的影片,慶祝僑育國小的62歲生日。