Miaoli ETRC【Lesson Highlight教學亮點】:
【Siang Bi's Global Week!】by Teacher Genevie Abi Mirasol Calimbahin Siang Bi Elementary School had a fantastic week exploring "International Culture"!
Our weekly lesson took the kids on a global adventure, immersing them in diverse cultures. Creativity soared during the warm-up activity, with students drawing and labeling various types of clothing in English. Traditional outfits from around the world added extra excitement to the lesson. Teacher Abi's Bingo game was a hit, helping kids reinforce their learning with fun. The grand finale saw our young artists crafting beautiful “banderitas” and cones featuring their unique drawings.
象鼻國小度過了很棒的「國際文化」課程! 我們每週的國際文化課程帶領孩子們進行了一場環遊世界的冒險,讓他們沉浸在多樣的文化中。在暖身活動中,學生們發揮創意,畫出各國服飾並用英文標示。來自世界各地的傳統服裝為課程增添了不少趣味。Abi老師的賓果遊戲大受歡迎,幫助孩子們在遊戲中鞏固所學。 最後,我們的小小藝術家們製作了美麗的“旗幟”和圓錐體,展示了他們獨特的繪畫作品,為這次文化探險畫上完美句點。