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【零食分享會!】 by Teacher Harley
ETRC "English in Action" 體驗式英語學習~透過生活化互動方式, 加強口語訓練, 將英語學習融入實際生活中!
【零食分享會!】 by Teacher Harley
Recently, students Vivian, Andy, Tim and Linda of Chisin Junior High School tried three popular snacks from the Philippines shared by FET Harley. Watch this fun video to see how they rated the snacks!
啟新國中的Harley老師最近與該校學生Vivian, Andy, Tim和Linda分享了Harley老師家鄉-菲律賓三種很受歡迎的零食, 並做了喜愛度調查, 一起來看看吧!