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【Reading promotion project 閱讀推廣計畫!】 by Teacher Benjamin Butan
ETRC \"English in Action\" 體驗式英語學習~透過生活化互動方式, 加強口語訓練, 將英語學習融入實際生活中!
【Reading promotion project 閱讀推廣計畫!】 by Teacher Benjamin Butan
FET Benjamin Butan has recently joined the team at Gongguan Junior High. Watch as he shares an exciting reading promotion project underway at the school!
外師Benjamin Butan最近加入了公館國中的教學團隊。讓我們瞧瞧他分享公館國中正在推動的閱讀推廣計畫!Benjamin老師透過實際的情境活動,讓抽象的英文概念轉化為生動具體的生活體驗,讓英語學習不在侷限於課堂裡!