認識外師團隊Meet the FETs
【Meet the FETs 認識外師團隊】 EP10
【Meet the FETs 認識外師團隊】 EP10
Welcome back to our series introducing Foreign English Teachers in Miaoli. Today we meet Teacher MC Jeff from Jinshuei Elementary School and Teacher Rogelio from Houlong Elementary School. Let’s watch as these friendly and confident teachers introduce themselves and tell us what they love about Taiwan and why they enjoy teaching at their schools. With such great role-models, their students are comfortable and confident when speaking English, too! Watch this space to meet more of Miaoli’s wonderful FETs!
大家都熟悉的「認識外師團隊」系列又和大家見面啦!今天,讓我們認識錦水國小的MC Jeff外師以及來自後龍國小的Rogelio外師。讓我們一同來聽聽他們是如何介紹自己的,以及分享他們為何深愛台灣、熱愛所在學校的原因。有了如此出色的榜樣,也讓他們的學生在說英語時感到自在且有信心!敬請期待,更多苗栗優秀外籍英語教師的介紹即將陸續登場!